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Chiropractic Care

Adjusting patient's backChiropractic care improves your whole-body health by removing restrictions on the nerves between the vertebrae. Our goal is to free up motion within your skeletal system, activating your muscles as your entire body works together toward healing.

When motion becomes restricted in the spine, your body enters what we call the compensatory phase, as it struggles to continue providing everything you need for functioning. With time, your body can no longer keep functioning optimally. As you enter the adaptive state, your body becomes stuck, and chronic discomfort begins to affect your lifestyle and happiness.

At Health and Wellness of Central Florida, we use torque release to help your nervous system turn on and begin functioning properly again. Through our skilled and precise adjustments, we improve the motion within your spine. This helps your muscles get out of the adaptive state and back to how they were before: healthy, flexible, and free!

Our Approach to Care

Dr. Bob provides traditional hands-on (Diversified) adjustments to get your joints to move. If you haven’t had manual adjustments before or are nervous about the process, we can also use the Arthrostim, a handheld instrument that effectively moves joints by creating a motion impulse.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Bob will do a very light adjustment to get your body moving, before referring you out for X-rays. After that, he’ll sit down with you one-on-one to review your results and make sure you understand your condition and his recommendations for care.

Customizing Your Healing Journey

It’s hard to say how many visits you’ll need to make an ideal recovery, since everyone’s body is different. We’re not the kind of office to schedule you for 50-60 appointments, as we prefer to work efficiently. For most patients, we start by having you come in twice a week for nine visits, before reassessing your progress to determine whether you need further care.

As you start improving, we’ll space appointments once a week, once every two weeks, and once every three weeks, before finally transitioning you to maintenance care.

Book Now

Could your health be better? Let’s find out. Schedule today.


Chiropractic Care | (352) 686-1686